Kevin Etzkorn Law

Protecting Our Seniors: A Guide to Combat Elder Financial Abuse and Legal Remedies in St. Louis, Missouri

As our population ages, the prevalence of elder financial abuse is on the rise, posing a significant threat to the well-being of our seniors. In St. Louis, this issue is particularly pressing, with many vulnerable individuals falling victim to various forms of financial exploitation.

As a leading personal injury law firm dedicated to serving our community, we believe it’s crucial to raise awareness about elder financial abuse and empower victims and their families with the knowledge of legal remedies available to them.

Understanding Elder Financial Abuse

Elder financial abuse encompasses a range of deceptive or fraudulent practices targeting older adults, often perpetrated by caregivers, family members, or even strangers. These abuses can take various forms, including:

1. Fraudulent Schemes: Scammers may trick seniors into giving away money or personal information through false promises or misleading tactics.

2. Power of Attorney Abuse: Individuals entrusted with managing an elder’s finances may exploit their authority for personal gain.

3. Identity Theft: Seniors may fall victim to identity theft, resulting in financial losses and compromised personal information.

4. Coercion and Undue Influence: Manipulative tactics may be used to coerce seniors into making financial decisions against their best interests.

Raising Awareness

It’s essential to recognize the signs of elder financial abuse to prevent further harm. Some common indicators include sudden changes in financial behavior, unexplained withdrawals or transfers, and isolation from friends and family.

By staying vigilant and informed, we can take proactive steps to protect our seniors and intervene when necessary.

Legal Remedies For Victims

If you or a loved one has fallen victim to elder financial abuse, it’s crucial to promptly seek legal assistance. In St. Louis, there are various legal remedies available to hold perpetrators accountable and recover losses, including:

1. Civil Lawsuits: Victims and their families may pursue civil lawsuits against those responsible for financial exploitation, seeking compensation for damages incurred.

2. Criminal Prosecution: In cases involving criminal wrongdoing, law enforcement authorities can investigate and prosecute perpetrators for their actions.

3. Guardianship and Conservatorship Proceedings: When seniors are unable to manage their finances independently, guardianship or conservatorship proceedings can be initiated to protect their interests and assets.

4. Legal Advocacy and Support: Experienced personal injury attorneys can provide advocacy and support throughout the legal process, advocating for the rights of elder abuse victims and helping them navigate complex legal proceedings.


Elder financial abuse is a pervasive and damaging issue that demands our attention and action. By raising awareness and understanding the legal remedies available, we can work together to protect our seniors and ensure that justice is served for victims and their families in St. Louis, Missouri.

If you or someone you know has been affected by elder financial abuse, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team of legal professionals for assistance and support. Together, we can make a difference and safeguard the well-being of our elderly community members.


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