Kevin Etzkorn Law

Helping ordinary people through Extraordinary Circumstances.

About Us

If you are contacting our firm, chances are you have not found us on a billboard or from an advertisement. Most of our cases come from referrals; often from other lawyers, sometimes from past clients or family members. 

We take pride in being a referral-based practice. It is indicative not only of the results we deliver, but also of client satisfaction from our responsiveness and devotion.

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Most firms these days have taken a “bigger is better” approach to everything. More offices, lawyers, practice areas, etc. There is nothing wrong with this approach, but it is not ours. Because we take the time to connect with clients and become part of their journeys, we are able to provide compassionate and caring representation. And this translates not just to happy clients and referrals, but also to success in the courtroom. Cases are won by lawyers and staff who know their clients, the law, and the facts of each case. The firm is committed to staying small so that we can do our best work.